1. Select the hyperlink to prepare the document for signature. 
  2. Open the document in the DocuSign window.
  3. From the recipients drop-down list, select the name of a user who needs to sign the document electronically.
  4. Drag and drop the Signature control from the left pane onto the document at the appropriate place on the page.
  5. Repeat this step with other fields that need to be added like Initials or Date Signed.
  6. To switch recipients, select a different user from the recipients drop-down list. Repeat the previous steps to add signature and other document fields for each user.
  7. Click the Recipient Preview button to view a preview of the document as a particular recipient. 

Add external recipients:

  1. Add external recipients using the drop-down list and selecting Edit Recipients
  2. On the Edit Recipients window, click Add Recipient to add a new row.
  3. Enter the external user's details in the Name and Email Address fields.
  4. Any external recipients added using the Edit Recipients window will be set to a default signing order of 2.
    • Change the order to 1 for these recipients so they receive the documents at the same time as the e-Builder users. If the order is unchanged and remains as 2, the document will be sent to these external recipients only after the document has been signed by the last e-Builder user in a given workflow instance.
  5. Click Done to add the user to the recipient drop-down list.

Sending the Document:

  1. In the DocuSign window, click Send to send the envelope and move the process instance on to the next step.
  2. Once the envelope has been created and sent, click Continue to move the process on to the next step.
  • To save the envelope as a draft, click the Actions drop-down list and then click the Save and Close button. To discard the envelope that you have created, click the Actions drop-down list and then click the Discard button.