1. Start the Process.

2. Select Construction Schedule of Values (SOVC) from the list.  Complete the form as listed below.

3. Select your “Commitment” from the drop-down and wait for e-Builder to refresh.

4. Click Lookup in the “Allowance item” field.

5. A new window will open, select the line: “Total Base Bid Amount (Excl. any Allowances)” and wait for e-Builder to refresh.

6. Click on the link “Download Schedule of Values Template”

Completing the Schedule of Value Template

7. An Excel file is downloaded to your computer, open it.

8. In Column C, enter the line description; for example, “Concrete pour at Retaining Wall”.

9. In Column E, enter the amount of that line; for example, 2,000.  The total sum of all your line items must be equal to the amount shown in row 1 Column D.

10. In Column A, copy the contents from row 1 and paste them for all the rows in your SoV.

11. Leave all other columns as is.

12. Save your file to a location you can remember.  If you get a “Microsoft Excel – Compatibility Checker” window, click Continue.

Importing the Schedule of Value Template

13. Click “Import Schedule of Values”.  See screenshot on step 6 above.

14. A new window will open, select the Excel file with your SoV entries, and click “Next”.

15. Make sure the lines and corresponding amounts are shown in the “Import Preview” before importing.

16. Click “Import”.

17. Review your entries and click Submit.