*Only needed if request is not submitted by the Space Liasion

Email Notification
You will receive an email notification from e-Builder, the click here link will prompt you to log in with your Mason username (i.e., user@gmu.edu) and will take you directly to the project request.


Review the Project Request
Once you have reviewed the request and would like to move it forward to Facilities, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the drop-down menu and select Approved.
  2. Click the button Take Action, and the request will be forwarded to Facilities for review.

If you do not want the request to move forward, select Void from the drop-down menu and click Take Action.  Please note that you should contact the requestor to let them know that their request has been voided as the system will not automatically send a notification.


View Project Request Status

  1. Click on the Processes Tab
  2. Select Project Requests – Open from drop-down menu
  3. View Current Step to see status of project request